Intercultural Teaching

Intercultural Competence Workshop Part 1.webm

Diversity & Empathy Workshop Pt. 1

This 10 minute screencast will walk you through a definition of diversity and how it relates to inclusion and intercultural competence.

Intercultural Competence Workshop Part 2.webm

Diversity & Empathy Workshop Pt. 2

This 7 minute screencast will talk about how we can use empathy as a core intercultural competence skill.

Intercultural Competence Lunch Chats

Pick up printed copies from Sarah Sisco or use the Canva/Google Docs link to make your own copy for editing.

Intercultural Competence Choice Board

Intercultural Competence Die 

Intercultural Competence Bingo Card 

Intercultural Competence Origami

What does it look like to be an intercultural teacher? 

Resources from Dr. Eeqbal Hassim (only viewable for ACS staff)

Intercultural teaching lessons or activities

Professional learning