Designing Solutions

Design Thinking at ACS

Design Thinking is a process ACS has adopted from Stanford. As part of our action research, we will use the Design Thinking Cycle to:

  • Empathize with our community

  • Define the challenges that stand in the way of global advocacy

  • Ideate possible solutions

  • Prototype and test these educational innovations.


Our SALT++ team (Subject Area Team Leaders and other teacher leaders) interviewed 115 educators and students to find out what global advocacy challenges we are facing and complied the information into a data display with 8 primary challenges: Empathy Interviews Data Display.


Our SALT++ team defined what we see as the biggest challenges for global advocacy.


Our SALT++ team brainstormed 74 different ideas to address our global advocacy challenges. Then we narrowed our ideas down to four possible solutions we think will be practice, effective, and impactful.


Each our our SALT++ groups created a rough, rapid, and relevant prototype as a solution to one of our global advocacy challenges.


Our SALT++ team conducted a show test with five of our prototypes and got feedback back from our staff members.