Global advocacy presentations

Table of Contents

Presented 29 September 2022 by Dr. Eeqbal Hassim. Access is only for ACS Amman staff members.

Global Advocacy All Staff Orientation 2022-23

All Staff Presentation 28 August 2022

Presented 28 August 2022. Contains:

  • History and accreditation connection

  • Global Advocacy definition

  • Schoolwide goal for 2022-23

  • Expectations for All and Opportunities for Some

Presented 23 August 2022 by Dr. Eeqbal Hassim. Access is only for ACS Amman staff members.

Presented 24 August 2022 by Dr. Eeqbal Hassim. Access is only for ACS Amman staff members.

Presented 25 August 2022 by Dr. Eeqbal Hassim. Access is only for ACS Amman staff members.

All Staff Meeting 15 May 2022

All Staff Presentation 15 May 2022

Presented 15 May August 2022. Contains:

  • Schoolwide goal

  • Introduction to Dr. Eeqbal Hassim and our work in Intercultural Competency