Global Advocacy Now!

Let's celebrate the global advocacy of teachers and students of ACS!

Examples of Global Advocacy from School Year 2023-24

Do you have a global advocacy learning experience coming up in your work at ACS? Contact Sarah Sisco to make sure that your example gets shared with others!

Examples of Global Advocacy from School Year 2022-23

Recognizing Perspectives

Middle School students are recognizing perspectives by participating in a Ramadan panel to learn about the diverse ways that people think about and engage in Ramadan. Photo from MS Assembly on 23 March 2023, featuring Mo Hourani, Diala Kamal, Dina Qanqoush, and Frida Abi Fares.

Taking Action

High School students from the Compassion Club are taking action by delivering workshops to interested middle and high school staff members to raise awareness about issues of mental health and racism that ACS high school students face. Photo from Jennifer Suleiman's club on 3 April 2023.

Communicating Ideas

Students in Grade 3 are communicating ideas by delivering persuasive speeches about topics like women's rights or the environment. Photo from 14 March 2023, featuring students of Amanda Anderson, Reham Tadros, and Nick Stroh.

Taking Action

Students in EYP are taking action by holding a yard sale to raise money for Precious Plastic. Precious Plastic took the money raised and made three large sturdy plastic benches which were delivered to local schools in need. Photo of students of Tina Bayouq, Nadia El Shakankiri, and Wafa'a Madanat from 23 March 2023.

Communicating Ideas

Students in Grade 5 are communicating ideas by having debates about subjects like exploring space and climbing Mount Everest. Photo from Ayisha Pachachi's class on 12 March 2023.

Communicating Ideas

Students in middle school are communicating ideas by hosting a living museum as different historical or contemporary figures from the Arabic speaking world. Photo from 27 February 2023.

Communicating Ideas

Students in Ian Huffaker's AP English class are communicating ideas by leading a Compassion Summit workshop about "Protests and Persecution" for Compassion Summit attendees. Photo from 16 February 2023.

Recognizing Perspectives

Students in Chip Nielsen's 6th grade Advisory are recognizing perspectives by having a conversation about identity and belonging, led by Dr. Eeqbal Hassim. Photo from 22 February 2023.

Communicating Ideas

Student in Luke Spencer's Science 7 class are communicating ideas by engaging in a Socratic seminar on climate action. Photo from 2 February 2023.

Recognizing Perspectives

Teachers in the Intercultural Competence Steering Group are recognizing perspectives by discussing concerns of our community members when action planning. Photo from 31 January 2023.

Taking Action

Students in Ian Huffaker's AP English class are taking action by writing letters in support of Amnesty International's annual 'Write for Rights' campaign. Photo from 25 January 2023.

Communicating Ideas

MS students in Explore with Colleen Corriell and Leila Belbeisi are communicating ideas by photographing and sharing the stories of people in ACS' community. Photo from 29 January 2023. 

Recognizing Perspectives

Students in Carl Spilles' Early Global History class are recognizing perspectives by explaining and comparing the perspectives of major world religions. Photo from 22 January 2023. 

Communicating Ideas

4th grade students in Karen Steadman's art class are communicating ideas around the art of different cultures and making mandalas. Photo from 22 January 2023.

Investigating the World

Students in Grades 3-12 are investigating the world by engaging with organizations at the NGO Fair on 22 November 2022. Want to get in touch with one of the NGOs? Reach out to our Director of Community Engagement, Mo Hourani.

Communicating Ideas

ACS staff members are communicating ideas by responding to the Global Advocacy 2027 statement on 11 December 2022.

Examples of Global Advocacy from School Year 2021-22

Communicating Ideas

Students in MS Arabic G are communicating ideas by educating our bus drivers, custodians, and maintenance staff about recycling and waste at ACS. Photo from 19 April 2022. 

Taking Action

Students in Grade 5 are taking action by sorting waste into recyclables and non-recyclables. Photo from 20 April 2022.

Investigating the World

For his Grade 8 Passion Project, this student is investigating the world  by creating a map of recycling bins at ACS. Photo from 5 April 2022.

Taking Action

The HS EcoTeam is taking action by organizing a book swap for ACS students and staff to promote re-use of materials. Photo from 30 March 2022. 

Communicating Ideas

Students in Grade 3 are communicating ideas by delivering persuasive speeches to other elementary students around topics like poverty, ways to improve school, and animal rights. Photo from Ashley Bostrom's class on 14 March 2022.

Investigating the World

Students in Grade 8 are investigating the world by conducting research for their Passion Projects. They are using the design thinking cycle to empathize with people impacted by issues such as body image, Palestine in the media, and unemployment. Photo from Alex Hogan's class on 13 March 2022.

Communicating Ideas

Students in Frida Abi Fares' Arabic E class are communicating ideas by hosting a living museum as different historical or contemporary figures from the Arabic speaking world. Photo from 8 March 2022.

Investigating the World

Students in Grade 5 are investigating the world by designing science experiments involving chemical reactions and communicating ideas by sharing their learning in a science fair. Photo from Ayisha Pachachi's class on 2 March 2022.

Investigating the World

2nd grade students in Lauren Purdy's Grade 2 class are investigating the world by engaging in individual reading and reflection. Photo from 21 February 2022.

Communicating Ideas

Students in Sam McCoy's French IV class are communicating ideas by sharing plans for 10 years in the future in French. Photo from 22 February 2022.

Recognizing Perspectives

6th grade students in Carl Spilles' Social Studies class are recognizing perspectives by expressing their personal opinions and recognizing the perspectives of classmates on the purposes of laws (as an introduction to Hammurabi's code). Are laws intended to punish bad behavior or promote good behavior? Photo from 28 November 2021.

Investigating the World

Grade 1 students in Dana Kayyali's Art class are investigating the world by asking questions about the art and life of Vincent van Gogh. Photo from 29 November 2021.

Communicating Ideas

MS students in Heba Khoury's Art class are using printmaking to communicate ideas to showcase the jewelry of a particular culture.

Investigating the World

HS students in Brendan Madden's Physics class are investigating the world by preparing to make a bumper on a toy car to increase impact time and reduce force to prevent an egg from getting cracked.

Investigating the World

5th grade students in Meredith Bowman's class are using books to investigate the world in the ES Learning Commons. Photo taken 18 November 2021.

Communicating Ideas

7th grade students in Dima Sunna'a's science class are using a variety of materials (both physical and virtual) to communicate ideas about balanced biospheres with plants, animals, and natural resources. Photo from 21 November 2021.

Investigating the World

High School students in Brian Sisco's Economics class are investigating the world by researching the economic policies of different countries. Photo from 26 September 2021.

Communicating Ideas

Middle School students in Ryan Harwood's Design Tech class are communicating ideas  by creating and pitching products to students and staff members. Photo from 18 November 2021.