Connect to WE HELP

WE HELP and the SDGs

The WE HELP framework is our way of connecting students to the SDGs in a developmentally appropriate way while also focusing our energy on the global issues we want to positively impact--for ourselves, our students, and our collective future.

Lessons Plans to Introduce the SDGs

(Grades EYP-2)

Click the link above for a series of lesson plans intended for ages 4-8 (~3 hours).

(Grades 3-5)

Click to the link above for a ~30 minute lesson plan intended for ages 8-13.

(Grades 6-8)

Click to the link above for a ~60 minute lesson plan for ages 8-13.

(Grades 9-12)

Click to the link above for a ~60 minute lesson plan (video and discussion questions).

Digging into the SDGs

170Actions-web (En).pdf

Learn about the SDGs

Click on a link to learn more: Global Goals or World's Largest Lesson. The document at left lists 10 actions to take for each SDG.

Video intro to the 17 SDGs

The 100,000 Deeds Challenge is a youth-driven initiative run by MUN Impact, a non-profit organization launched in 2017. The Challenge was created to raise awareness of the SDGs for aspiring young people from ages 2-22 to get involved through their school, university, or workplace.

The SDG Tracker presents data across all available indicators from the Our World in Data database, using official statistics from the UN and other international organizations. It is a free, open-access publication that tracks global progress towards the SDGs and allows people around the world to hold their governments accountable to achieving the agreed goals.