The purpose of this site

This Google Site was created for educators at ACS Amman and around the world who are interested in our global advocacy action research. On this site, you can find: 

Goal of the action research

ACS has committed to spending seven years (school years 2020-21 to 2026-27) conducting school-wide action research on a key aspect of our Student Profile: global advocacy. Through teacher-driven action research, we will discover how ACS can best support our students becoming global advocates.

We have 2 research questions: 



Everything we do at ACS, from our beliefs to our Strategic Priorities, supports Global Advocacy.

What is global advocacy?

Global advocacy is learning about global issues and mastering global skills.

What is a global advocate?

A global advocate is one who has the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance in order to appreciate the traditions of others and value their own culture while applying their knowledge and understanding to advocate for and act in the service of others and the environment.



Contact Sarah Sisco ( to get more information on the action research project